The Course: Conversational French with Isabelle Mariau.
Whether you barely know a few words in French, studied French many years ago, ‘get by’ or even converse easily - if you are eager to improve then our Conversational French course will help you. We have 6 levels ranging from debutant to advanced. By working in small groups discussing topical issues & events, listening to & understanding dialogue and, for Intermediate to Advanced levels, reading and discussing articles & books; the key aim is to learn and improve your conversational French in an enjoyable way.
Need more Information?
Try one of our Information Meetings on Wednesday 10th September
10.00 - Merdrignac 22230 - Salle de la Madeleine (next to the church)
14.30 - Collinée 22330 - La Médiathèque, rue du Baillot (car park entrance)
For a Taster Session or any query regarding the course:
Please contact Isabelle MARIAU - 0680442016 -
Course days & Venues:
Collinée - La Médiathèque :
on Monday 13 to 15 and 15.30 to 17.30
on Tuesday 09.00 to 11.00, 11.30 to 13.30
on Thirsday 10.00 to 12.00
Course Begins: week commencing 26h September
For more information about UTL if you need an English speaker please contact
Sue Taylor : 02 96 25 58 97